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tv   FOX 45 News at 530  FOX  October 30, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

5:30 pm
people whh are in need. and youu gennrosity this morning ttuches mm heert."/butt to/// obamm says: "there's been extraordinarily close &pcoordination eeweennstate, federal, nd local gvernments." povernments." 3&bothhcampaiggs consider thee electoral vvtes, a must-win. shows rooney leaaing the president by 2 points in 3hio... -3 pnd ttousands of people... with a reppesentative of talkk minutts.coming up in eight so anyway, i've been to a lot of people save a lot of money. af but today...( sfx: loud noise of metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange.
5:31 pm
(sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. how you doing? alright, alright. now this is a party. what is that? go, go, go.
5:32 pm
mmm. give me some of that sauce. i don't know, i think i might bail. yeah, it's pretty dead. [ male announcer ] one is never enough. new kfc dip'ems. freshly prepared tenders dipped in irresistible sauces. this is it. now this is a party. [ male announcer ] try a 3 piece combo for just $5. today tastes so good. the damage inflicted by hurricane sandy. live... tracking theeclean -
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up... jeff. 3 3 3 3
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and what a difference a day &pmakes...this was the scene today in rehobooh at dewee "lovely" bike riie... in the h - front doors of several homes. - anytime it rains...the folks in fells point...start to worry. fells point... is... usually... vulleraale... when... major storms... slam into the baltimore... aaea...// john rydell... weet to fflls point.../ where... phings... could've... been a lot worse.../ worse...// (rydell) "many business owners here in fells point still remember hurricane isabel and all the damage it caused to many of the businessss here on worried aboou what would happen this week. but this
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morning, thhre wws a big sigh pf reeief.""there's a basement pnner here and the entiree bassment was flooded and then there was water in the bar abbut 18 inches."andrew burke...won't soon forget... the wrath of isabel. it put joon steven out of business....or hree weees. "all of thaams street.""was under water." so when e heard...about those dire predictions about sandy....he couldn't stop thinkkng about isabel. ""ncredibll nnrvous." po burke...was keep issory from repeating couple of ays sannbagging and delight...his efforrs paid ws."3 off.."not a drop, not drop, she's tight as a bone."and unliie isabee...there'll be no costly repairs to rrmovv watee...and no significant business. (buuke) "a storm like isabel probably wouud have ut me out of pbsiness."(burke) "i thhnk god did ore than i could ever do." (rydell) "ssveeal pubs aloog
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thames street reopened this afternoon, other ownees say phey hope to reooen their pubs tomorrow. in fellsspoont, john rydell, fox45 news at 5:30." some... vaccnt buildings... ii baltimorr, .../ were... no match... storm sandy. sandy.this... pile of dbris... is... all thats left... abandoned rowhomee.. on... near... dmondson avenue... in... west baltimore...//.after... hours of heavy wind... the... brick building... night... / no word on any injuries. taking a look t current power outages of b-g-e customers. more 139 thousand people without power at this time... more than 41-thousand n thousand innanne arundel &pcounty. we're joined now bb rachael llghtt with b- g- e....
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when the power goes out... you wwather nfoomatton.we are n - web and to mobile devices. download the fox45 mobile app by searchiig for ""bff" in your app store. ourrwebsite and facebook page. -
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gooto foxbaltimore dot com and facebook dot com slash pfxbaltimore for the very lattst as huricaneesannyy moves into maryland.. 3&a ggnerator senns three peopl tt the hospital with carbon monoxiie poissning. it happened thissmorninn on prevard street n north lluuel. firefighhers ound the generator in a doorway to the garage, but the garage was closed.all three residents are at shock trauma.... one male &ptwo femalessare in serious condition. but many streets are stilll. underwater.... ttke a llok at this phooo of phoenix road and countt. flooddng has made he intersectionnimpaasable. and thissphoto was sent tt us by cindy in edgemere... it as lane .... you cannsee the waaer level is so high.... the pier s almost entirely under w. water.... show uu what ittlloks like in shoot it.. senn it.
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foxbaatimorr dot com and click on the "see it, shoot it, send it icon. you can also send photos directly from youu some balttmmor coonny -3&33 residents are couuting their if their homes are livable. livable.janice park.../ is... at.../ in... glen arm...// and... ttlls us... about a close man. robeet mcclary is 89 years old 50 years.he's lived thru agnes irene isabel in this house he says this is by far worst the damage. massive trees crashed &pcann see thru it kitchen mass of trees" vo. mcclary's son says his ather was watthing tv arrund 9 pm last night when he heard an inccedible boom. it was sandy toppliig treee, crushing the roof innthree &pdiiferent placcs. wter is pouring thru light fixtures now . to gets the trees off the mcclarys will need crane, but after calling fivee & onns
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avaalabbe.robert mcccary /ssorm victim 042602 feel noise .....ii was exciting". janice. &pincredibly mcclary never lost power duriig any of this, butt there's so much damage inside and outt they now have the tough task of deciding if they want to stay. in glln aam jp fox 45 news at 550. pow are the roads loooing tonig? tonight?brandi procttr has our traffic edge reportt report. maplibbrtyshawanmaps395map while we're 3
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a masssve fire that destroys morr than 50 homms.why hurricane sandy made fighting the fireeso much moree difficult.. commng up. 3
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--adblib weather tz-- - stephanie rawlings-blake: voting for question seven is an...
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incredible opportunity for baltimore. jim smith: question seven will bring table games like... blackjack and poker to baltimore. stephanie rawlings-blake: you're talking about 500 new jobs. ken ulman: and increased tourism will mean more business... for maryland's small businesses. jim smith: and instead of marylanders spending... five hundred and fifty million in other states... ken ulman: question seven will keep that money right here. stephanie rawlings-blake: more jobs, millions for schools. jim smith: i'm voting for question seven. ken ulman: i'm voting for question seven. stephanie rawlings-blake: and i'm voting for question seven.
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it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds, he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. video... ut of new york - city...//.sustained winds... of... 85-miles-per-hour... and... heavy rain ... ripped the clean off..../the building'ss.. second and third storiis... were coopletely pxpooed...//. no injuuies are at least fifty homes re completely destroyed in a flooded borough offnew york city beccase of a fire.
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plose to two hundded firefighters wading through water trying to fight the massiie blaze. crees ffced everal obssacles, pncluding low water pressure. the hurricaae did not help things... as winds fanned the flames. while we're tryinn to dry out from hurricane sandy... people in western maryland are trying to dig out from the snow. joy lepola is in garrett couuty... ann used her cell phone to show us the efffcts f sandy there. 3 people up and down the east
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coast...feeling the effects of hurricane ne family's hhme onnthe ater... eeded uu "in" the waaer. the dangers oo downnd power liness... what happens when a car. wiree ets too cllse to a 3 --adbbib weather tz-- 3 i've always been luc flew 37 bombing missions over germany. made it home every time. i'm lucky to have good friends who are all still around,
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and we're all lucky to have a friend named ben. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits. and he's helping my 13 grandchildren afford college. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i'm honored to approve this message. morrevideo f other arres hit
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hard by super storm sandy.this video out f massachusetts... the heavy winds... blowwng one hooe straight innt the water. the docks when the ssructure ord on any injjries. and... ruuhing water... replaced... rush hour traffic... in the metro new york area monday night...//. here's a look... at the inside... of a commuter train station... in... hoboken, new jersey. ...//all... mass transit... in the area... as.... well as... the thhee major airports.../. ..water... also seeped....intt subway stttions... ann... the and brooklyn. ssperstorm sandy gave a fiist-hand lesson on safety around downed power lines!you electrified by one in brick pownship, new jersey yesterday afternoon. no word on anyooe was injured..-&3& --- react to story --- talk about storm...
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baseball hands out it's gold
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glove awarrs ttnight..and this guy whould figure haa details, next in ssorts. with the oold series now
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completed, the ppst-season awards are upon us..tonight, the gold gloves will e hanned out to tghe best defensive least one oriole is squarely t - in the running... catcher maat wieters won a gold glove last year, becoming ever do ttat...and he figures to reppat this ear..his 994 pptoutt was the most in 11 league with 134 games behind - the plaae..the awards will be presented onnght..we'll llt pou knno whowon tonight on sports unlimmted. after a bye weekk the avvns coaches were raring to go yesterday,anddthhy didn't even let a hurricane sttp them...they simplyyeld practice indoors...john harbaugh ssipped his rrgluar monday press conference due to the storm, and held a inssead and in that call, he said a recent 20-thousand dollar fine haa opened his eyes a bit.. pafety ed reed admitted hh had a torn labrum in his ssoulder &pon a radio shhwwlast him on t
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because he practiced every &ppay..the fl said they should have and fined theeravens the twenty grand..yesterday, harbaugh said from this point forward, every injury goes on harbaugh, reed and the ravens are 3 and aahalf point overrthe browns this - former maryland terps star greivis vasquez got some welcomeennws from his employer hornets exercized the fourth year option n his contract... theesecond yyar pro pootedd averagee of .9 points, 5.4 assistand 2.6 rebounds per game &pin 66 gamesslast season....n 136 nba games, vasquez has a 6.2 point per game averagg. tonight t 100:0 and 11:30 on ,- sports unlimited --toss to vytas-- vytas-- 3 3 &p3 3
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that's all ffr fox45 news at 5::0."family feud" is next. next.and we'll beeback tonight for fox45 news at ten -- and &pthe laae edition at 11... 11...we'll see you latee. later.
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announcer: this is joey fatone. it's time to play "family feud!"


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